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Your Happiness belongs to you

I spent many years of my life being imposed upon by demanding narcissistic, closed minded men. Who think your whole purpose in life is to make their world better. They believe that Their happiness is your responsibility !You go where they want to go, you watch what they want to watch, you eat what they like to eat. And never do they ask " what would you like to do today" You become a non person, just an invisible support system they rely on for everything. You give and you give and pretty soon you have forgotten who you are, or what you like to eat, or what you like to watch, you are now just an observer ,and caretaker of someone else. Now I am far past thinking I will ever find a man that wants a partner, not a servant .I don't believe in that fairy tale anymore, But I do now, take responsibility for my own happiness. It takes awhile to find yourself again ,to give yourself permission to act on your own thoughts without running it by what "he would think". Ladies , when a man starts spouting out " his Rules" or pointing out all the things you are going to have to change to  " fit into his world" RUN!!!... It is "YOUR WORLD TOO!" I now treat myself with more Love ,understanding and respect than I have ever received from any so called "Partner". Unlike them, I do this for myself , I do not expect someone else to give up their own needs to take care of mine.  I deserve to be Happy , I deserve to be treated with respect , I do matter! So If to have these things , means spending my golden years alone , then Happy and alone is where I will be, because I am a radiant, capable, deserving, loving soul ,and I  will never lose sight of who I am again. 
Love & Light Judy
